Jane Park

"Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. "
Jane is an intermediate landscape architect with a Master's in Landscape Architecture and a background in graphic design, classical music, and spatial design. She brings valuable public sector experience, having begun her career at Eke Panuku, where she contributed to significant urban regeneration and public realm projects across Tāmaki Makaurau. Additionally, she orchestrated independent technical design reviews for Eke Panuku’s major development projects focused on strategic urban growth and enhancement.
Passionate about fostering meaningful connections between people and places, Jane excels in building strong relationships with clients and stakeholders. She thrives in collaborative, agile teams and has a talent for transforming complex information into elegant visual communications.
Since joining Resilio Studio, Jane has worked on multiple projects for the Tūpuna Maunga Authority, identifying opportunities for communities to reconnect with the whenua and protect the mauri of each maunga. She also leads the communications and visual identity initiatives for Resilio Studio, curating a seamless visual language across all platforms that reflects the company's core values and mission.
Qualifications + Affiliations
- NZILA Affiliate Member 2009—2023
- Master of Landscape Architecture (hons) | Unitec Institute of Technology
- Post Graduate Honors Spatial Design (hons) | Auckland University of Technology
- Bachelor of Graphic Design | Auckland University of Technology