Kaipara Key Urban Areas
2019 - 2020
Kaipara District Council
Resilio Studio was engaged by Kaipara District Council to lead the landscape planning, urban design and engagement process for spatial plans for Dargaville, Maungatūroto and Kaiwaka. The landscape planning aspects of the project utilized Resilio Studio’s own landscape planning principles which integrate designing with natural systems, integrated catchment management, existing landscape character and climate change as a foundation for urban design strategies that encourage and seek to facilitate the development of live, work, play, learn environments in a way that that build on the history and social fabric of today's communities. The Spatial Plan has been developed in consideration with the national and local planning frameworks including relevant National and Regional Policy Statements.
Development of the spatial plans involved a high level of communication between ourselves and the client and included the opportunity to establish an honest and open Rangapū / partnership relations with Kaipara iwi. An extensive engagement process was undertaken with iwi and hapū at their local marae, students from the local high schools, local community groups and the wider community from within each town. Engagement included participatory workshops, presentations and online surveys.