IFLA Asia Pacific 2021 Outstanding Award - Te Whakaoranga o te Puhinui
Resilio Studio received an ‘Outstanding Award’ in the Unbuilt Parks and Environment category for Te Whakaoranga o te Puhinui at the 2021 Asia Pacific International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) awards. This category is focused on showing sound strategy aligned with a clear vision to enhance greater sustainability for cities and environments.
The judges deemed this “an excellent project that integrates Western ecological planning and design strategies with indigenous narratives. The layering of metaphysical information and design quality is impressive, while the methodology, planning process and design guidelines are highly innovative, exhibiting exemplary thought leadership.”

Social housing pilot project in spotlight at COP26
Cranbrook Place, a project we have been jointly working on with Kāinga Ora, has been submitted as part of the COP26 Conference as a sustainable initiative in the Development World.
The new Ngā Kāinga Anamata social housing development in Glendowie, Auckland – a net zero energy pilot project – is one of 17 projects invited to be part of the “Build Better Now” virtual pavilion at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.
Launched on October 28, 2021, Ngā Kāinga Anamata, which means “homes of the future”, will be built to Passive House standard and is on track to receive a 9 Homestar rating. Kāinga Ora recently already committed to achieving a (minimum) 6 Homestar rating on all new builds.

Te Puhinui Regeneration included in Auckland's COP 26 Exhibition
Auckland is one of 11 cities participating in the Global Cities Climate Action (virtual) Exhibition at COP26 and part of their exhibit they are showcasing 6 stand out projects/initiatives focused on climate action in the Auckland Bioregion. We are thrilled that Te Whakaoranga o te Puhinui has been selected as one of those projects!

Community is at the heart of solutions for Point Chevalier
Inspiring Communities wrote an article about the placemaking work we are doing in Pt. Chevalier with the local community and how it aligns with Inspiring Communities' Community Led Development principles.

The Power of Grassroots Regeneration through Design
Finn Mackesy, Resilio Studio designer and director, wrote an article for X-Section 2017 Edition 7 - Collaborate about the Puketāpapa Permablitz Project experience and the challenges and opportunities in building a regional permablitz movement in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The Design Process: A Primer
Resilio Studio created a Design process primer to provide an introduction and overview of the design process and communicate the key qualities and characteristics of effective design in the 21st century. It is intended to support co-design processes with non-design experts, provide guidance for people and organisations wanting to solve problems using the creative power of design, as well as provide a set of tools and methods that can be applied to a wide range of design challenges.

ACENZ Taupo 2017 - Local Paths Design Guide Award of Merit
Resilio Studio received an Award of Merit for Innovation for the The Local Path Design Guide at the 2017 ACENZ Awards in Taupo.

NZILA 2017 Award of Excellence - Local Paths Design Guide
Resilio Studio received an Award of Excellence for Strategic Landscape Planning and Environmental Studies (STRAT) at the 2017 Resene NZILA Pride of Place Landscape Architecture Awards in Christchurch for the Local Path Design Guide.

Local Path Design Guide
The Local Path Design Guide was commissioned by Auckland Transport and Auckland Council Parks to provide best practice guidance for designing and developing a successful neighborhood greenways networks across the Auckland region.

Healthy Families Lab Summary Document
This document provides a summary of the design process we facilitated as well as a critical reflection of the experience of this innovation lab and recommendations to inform future practices.

Rānui Snack Pack video
This video, made by Healthy Families Waitākere, provides a brief summary of one of the Healthy Families Lab prototypes - The Rānui Power Pack.

Resilio in Xanthe White’s book The Good Dirt
Gary Marshall from Resilio is interviewed in Xanthe White’s book The Good Dirt. This excerpt is about how to keep your soil and compost in the best possible condition as well as touching on the value of creating a local gardening community to exchange knowledge and experience.

95bFM interviews Resilio Studio
This 95bFM Interview is with Gary Marshall and Finn Mackesy from Resilio Studio. They talk about their new approach to sustainable and community lead design philosophy, implemented in Resilio Studio.

Towards An Auckland Kai Lab
This document produced for Kai Auckland summarises the work done so far and informs strategic next steps to establish a Food Social Lab for the Auckland bioregion.

Emerging Realities, Future Practices
Originally published in X-Section 2015 Edition 5 - Emergence: Designing for the Future, this article was written by Gary Marshall, Resilio Studio designer and director, articulating a vision for the future of Landscape Architecture in the 21st century.