Greenway Network Plans
2018 - ongoing
Upper Harbour • Henderson-Massey Local Board
Mana Whenua
Resilio Studio were engaged by Auckland Council Parks Services on behalf of two local boards to develop an area wide walking and cycling network plan to be implemented over time. The network plans built on the existing and planned network work and with reference to the Local Path Design Guide.
The project involved collating, mapping and analysing the existing transport and walking network and infrastructure, land uses, community destinations and attractors and other community facilities such as schools, parks and open spaces, as well as environmental features such as water catchments and significant ecological areas.
This material was used as the basis for extensive engagement with a wide range of consultants, council staff, special interest groups, elected officials and mana whenua. The resulting network plans creates a comprehensive network that has redefined the first generation of greenways plans in these local board areas.