Onehunga Police Station Laneway
2018 - ongoing
Panuku Development
ACH Consultant Engineers • MHL
Onehunga Laneway 7 beside the Police Station on Onehunga Mall was the first laneway upgrade undertaken by Panuku as part of the Onehunga Laneways Revitalisation Project, which is part of Panuku’s wider Transform Onehunga Programme.
Resilio Studio were engaged by Panuku to take Laneway 7 in Onehunga from concept design through to tender documentation and construction observation, to enhance an under-utilised alleyway, create a positive connection to the Sir William Jordan Recreation Centre from Onehunga Mall and provide a flexible, adaptable space for multiple uses and events.
The design incorporated vibrant local artwork by local artists within the lane, created a coherent look and feel in the laneway with a simple palette of surface materials, and kept furniture to a minimum within the lane in keeping with successful laneway precedents. Opportunities for flexible seating were created in the sunny areas of the police station frontage adjacent to Onehunga Mall.