Waitematā Community Composting
2018 - 2020
Waitematā Local Board
Te Maara Gardens • OMG • Kelmarna Gardens • Gardens4Health • Humming Gardens • Compost Collective • For the Love of Bees
Resilio Studio was engaged by the Waitematā Local Board to work with existing organisations and networks to help build capacity and capability within the community composting sector in the local board area and to foster a collaborative approach to neighbourhood scale food scrap composting. As part of this first phase of work we conducted local, national and international case studies, met with as many people working in the sector and worked with existing interested local food and composting hubs in the local board area to improve their current food scrap processing systems. Part of the first phase of this initiative also involved building a sector network to share knowledge, skills and learning - the Auckland Composting Network - a regional network of community scale compost individuals, organisations and initiatives. The network participants worked on a range of local and regional initiatives focused on building the sector and establishing models which responds to the Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan’s recognition of the need for effective neighbourhood and household composting.